Dec 26 – 28, 2024
Istanbul S. Zaim University
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Design of a Circularly Polarized Antenna Operating at 137 MHz for NOAA Weather Satellite Reception

Dec 27, 2024, 4:00 PM



Mrs İrem Karataş Çetin (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University)


This study presents the design and simulation of a circularly polarized antenna operating at 137 MHz, intended for applications such as NOAA weather satellite reception. The antenna system is based on two V-dipole antennas configured to achieve circular polarization with a 90° phase difference between them. Each V-dipole is constructed using two 540 mm long copper rods, positioned at a 120° angle, and fed at the intersection of the rods. Simulation results indicate an S11 value below -18 dB at the target frequency, ensuring efficient impedance matching. The radiation pattern of the single V-dipole exhibits an omnidirectional characteristic with a maximum gain of 1.41 dBi. To enhance directionality and achieve circular polarization, the V-dipoles are placed orthogonally along the z-axis with a 547 mm separation. After optimization, the system achieved a maximum realized gain of 1.24 dBi and an axial ratio of 0.15 dB along the positive z-axis. To further improve gain and directionality, reflector rods were introduced, increasing the maximum realised gain to 4.82 dBi. The final design demonstrates a good circular polarization performance with an axial ratio below 3 dB over a wide angular range. This antenna design satisfies the required specifications, making it suitable for satellite communication applications.

Paper Language English
Contribution Type Virtual

Primary authors

Mrs İrem Karataş Çetin (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University) Suad Basbug (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University)

Presentation materials