This keynote focuses on the transformative impact of open-source tools in medical imaging, beginning with their role in enhancing cybersecurity and data protection practices crucial for safeguarding sensitive medical information. Emphasizing sustainability, the presentation highlights how open-source platforms contribute to creating accessible, sustainable healthcare solutions,...
In this paper, we study solving of linear algebraic equations with the form of $Ax=b$ in a distributed manner by using distributed memory programming. We consider open-source message passing interface (MPI) approach to model our simulations. Also we review the sequential programming approach and make comparison with MPI on the performances under different network topologies.
Open source communities play an essential role in fostering innovation and collaborative development. They operate in knowledge-based ecosystems characterized by transparency, inclusivity and a shared purpose. However, open source communities are often faced with challenges because of inefficient communication, insufficient knowledge sharing and poor requirements elicitation, management,...
In this paper, we study on the optimal scheduling problem of the traffic lights on a map by utilizing the number of vehicles that use predefined routes. This paper considers modeling an optimization problem to minimize the number of vehicles on the map. We present the analytical solution of the optimization problem and the numerical solution approach by using an Open-Source library CVX...
Face detection is a crucial task in computer vision, with applications ranging from security systems to human-computer interaction. In this study, we evaluate the performance of three face detection algorithms: Haar Cascade, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks (MTCNN). The experiments are conducted using the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW)...
Açık kaynaklı biyomedikal sistemlerin hastane finansal yönetimine entegrasyonu, operasyonel verimliliğin arttırılması, maliyetlerin azaltılması ve finansal şeffaflığın arttırılması için dönüştürücü bir strateji olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma, açık kaynaklı sistemlerin hastane operasyonlarının çeşitli yönleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Açık kaynaklı biyomedikal sistemlerin...
Robotlar, diğer teknolojik cihazlar gibi, insan hayatına fayda sağlamak amacıyla birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle doğal afetler ve askeri uygulamalar gibi kritik alanlarda robotların kullanımı giderek daha önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu süreç, robotların geliştirilmesi ve belirli görevleri başarıyla yerine getirmelerinin sağlanmasıyla başlamaktadır. Robotik sistemlerin geliştirilmesi...
Bu çalışma, bir sensör olarak radyasyon sayacı donanımı eklenmiş otonom bir TurtleBot3 için açık kaynaklı ROS tabanlı bir paket geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu paket, robotun kontrolünü, iletişimini ve çevrenin radyasyon haritalamasını sağlamaktadır.
Hali hazırda bulunan bir radyasyon dedektörünün sensör olarak eklendiği robotun böcek algoritması sayesinde otonom hareket ederek radyasyon...
Veri gizliliğinin ve güvenliğinin önemi IoT teknolojilerindeki ilerleme ve Endüstri 4.0’ın getirdiği yeniliklerin birçok alanda etkin olarak kullanılmaya başlamasıyla birlikte daha da artmıştır. Son dönemde hızla gelişen teknoloji, başta CPU ve GPU’lar olmak üzere yapay zeka destekli donanımların artması, en güçlü algoritmalar ile gizlenmiş olan verilerin bile eskiye göre daha çabuk ele...
İşletmelerin varlıklarını devam ettirmeleri ve rekabet üstünlüğünü sağlamaları ancak nitelikli insan kaynağı ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Nitelikli çalışanların işletmeye kazandırılması işletmelerin öncelikli konusu ve aynı zamanda da sıkıntı yaşadıkları konuların başında gelmektedir. Dolayısıyla işe alım sürecinin önemli aşamalarından biri olan aday araştırma ve bulma sürecinin doğru...
Bu çalışma, güneş panelleri üzerinde oluşan kir, toz, kar ve hasar gibi dış etkenlerin, panel verimliliğine olan olumsuz etkilerinin nesne tanıma algoritmalarıyla tespit edilmesine odaklanmaktadır. Güneş panellerinde biriken bu unsurlar, enerji üretimini önemli ölçüde düşürerek ciddi verim kayıplarına yol açmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, açık kaynaklardan elde edilen 7485 görüntü kullanılarak, dört...
Machine learning has emerged in many fields thanks to its ability to extract meaningful information from large data sets, solve complex problems, and make predictions about the future. In healthcare, machine learning is used in various applications such as disease diagnosis, treatment planning, patient monitoring, and personalized healthcare. However, for these applications to be successful,...
Economic challenges faced by developing and underdeveloped countries often limit undergraduate electrical-electronics engineering students' access to hands-on learning in digital logic design platforms, potentially hindering the development of a skilled workforce. Practical experience is crucial for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and industry requirements, yet resource...
In this paper, a MATLAB App program is presented that decomposes the numerator and denominator polynomials of transfer functions into their odd and even components. In control engineering, transfer functions are essential tools for modeling system dynamics, and decomposing these functions into their odd and even components is a key step in system analysis. The developed MATLAB App allows users...
Chatbots offer a very fast, easy and dynamic interaction in textual, audio and visual forms. Their high-level capabilities have paved the way for the increasingly widespread use of chatbots on every platform that include human-machine interaction, from education to health, from finance to customer relationship management, and so on. University websites, as one of the most common and potential...
Plant disease detection and classification are critical for ensuring sustainable agriculture and food security. In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged as state-of-the-art solutions for image classification tasks due to their remarkable performance in extracting meaningful features from complex datasets. This study evaluates the performance of state-of-the-art CNN...
This study presents the design and simulation of a circularly polarized antenna operating at 137 MHz, intended for applications such as NOAA weather satellite reception. The antenna system is based on two V-dipole antennas configured to achieve circular polarization with a 90° phase difference between them. Each V-dipole is constructed using two 540 mm long copper rods, positioned at a 120°...
Data analytics platforms such as Alteryx, Tableau Prep, RapidMiner, and other similar data preparation and analytics tools have revolutionized the way businesses and individuals handle large volumes of data without the need for advanced programming skills. Likewise, these platforms have become important tools within higher education settings. They are increasingly utilized to perform complex...
This paper describes the design and implementation of an open-source healthcare portal created especially for healthcare providers. The portal is FHIR compliant, enabling seamless, consistent, and secure data exchange between healthcare systems. The system is built with a reliable and scalable architecture to meet the complex needs of modern healthcare environments and is developed using...
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought forth an array of powerful large language models (LLMs) designed to process and generate human-like text across diverse applications. This study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of leading LLMs, including GPT series, BERT derivatives, and other cutting-edge models such as PaLM and LLaMA. The comparison is conducted...